To ensure TIPO offers more comprehensive digital services that better align with global trends, TIPO plans to offer online certificates for patents and trademarks from January 2023. The paperless process will make it more convenient for right holders to obtain and save their certificates, as well as reduce the cost of printing and mailing paper copies – a beneficial step towards achieving sustainable development goals of conserving energy and reducing carbon emissions.
For the applicant’s convenience, TIPO will not make online certificates mandatory for all. The applicant may choose either an online or paper certificate when requesting their patent certificate or paying trademark registration fees. Should the applicant require a paper certificate later on, those who choose to receive an online certificate may apply for a paper copy.
Upon receiving notification from TIPO that their certificate has been issued, applicants can download the online certificate by entering their verification code at the specified site within six months. Applicants may also obtain their online certificates through the E-SET e-delivery system. Afterwards, applicants will be able to access their online certificates on the e-portal with their digital certificate, under “My Applications.”
TIPO’s online certificates will be provided via PDF formats for easy circulation. The online certificates will be equipped with anti-counterfeiting measures that require verification and digital signatures, as well as a QR code. Right holders may upload digital files of their certificates onto TIPO’s system or scan the QR codes to quickly verify the authenticity of their patent certificates, as well as access any updates to the status of their rights.